An Instant Feeling That I Belonged

From the moment I walked through the doors of CforR, I was greeted with a warm welcome and an instant feeling that I belonged. I quickly realized that I wanted to become more involved with this organization that had been so kind and gracious in making me feel right at home.

Outlook on the Web

Migration Email CforR Staff, Last steps of CforR email migration: The email migration is going great with the first migration pass completed, and we are about to start the final…

Microsoft SharePoint

SharePoint will replace the CforR server and its departmental drives.  SharePoint Web App - Similar to Outlook Web App, or Zoom, there is also a OneDrive web app that can…

Microsoft OneDrive

OneDrive replaces Google Drive, and eventually it will also replace the CforR U: drive and departmental drives.  OneDrive Web App - Similar to Outlook Web App, or Zoom, there is…